Bundesbank-SEACEN Ties
Posted on 08 May 2024

The SEACEN Centre was pleased to host a meeting with Mr. Michael Schardt, the representative for the Deutsche Bundesbank in South-East Asia, at the Centre's office in Sasana Kijang, Kuala Lumpur, today.

Among the items discussed included the SEACEN Centre's role in empowering its 19 members from across the region via various training courses, seminars, high-level conferences, and research projects, as well as future opportunities for collaboration with the Bundesbank as one of the Centre's Strategic Partners in these initiatives.


The Centre was represented by Ole Rummel, Director of the Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy Management (MMPM) Pillar, Meltem Chadwick, Senior Economist, MMPM, Amarendra Mohan and Ayse Sungur, both Senior Financial Sector Specialists in the Financial Stability, Supervision, and Payments Pillar (FSSP), and Masyitah Rosmin, Research Associate, FSSP.

The Centre thanks Mr Schardt for his visit and looks forward to closer ties and meaningful engagement with the Bundesbank.

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